I find that I need to check in with some of these coaches from time to
time -- they have some great articles on their blogs that might be
just what you are looking for. If you find one that you like, then
save the web address as a favorite or sign up to get email updates.
You can always unsubscribe, if you need to -- or just delete the
most recent email and see what they have to say later.
Ann Vertel
Carrie Wilkerson (The Barefoot Executive)
Brooke Castillo http://www.brookecastillo.com/
Brooke teaches you how to do Self-Coaching -
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
I'll add more to this post later -
And when you are ready for a break ---Do you sleep well when it is raining ? You never have to wait for the rain to come -
just pull up this video -- 60 minutes of relaxing rain. mmmmm....zzzzzzzzzzzzzz......
Oh, if you want this video to repeat continually, just type repeat after youtube in
the web address -- this web address would be
you can do that for any youtube video that you want to play continually.