Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hosting an event online (family celebration, class reunion, etc)

You may not ever need this information, but you may know someone who will !!


Hosting a family event online


Q. Dear Kim. First, thank you for everything your staff do. I love your show, website and newsletters. Here's my question: My grandparents will celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary later this month. They have 5 children, 15 grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren. Due to the large size of our family, many will not be able to attend our Thanksgiving/Anniversary celebration. I would like to set up a way that everyone not attending can call in via video chat so we can all wish them Happy Anniversary together. Is Skype the best way to accomplish this? Thank you very much for taking my email and helping me give my grandparents a great gift for their anniversary.
-Jodie from Marshall, IL, listens to my national radio show on WIBA 98.5 FM

A. A 65th wedding anniversary! Wow! That is definitely an event worthy of celebration. It's great you're trying to get everyone together to wish them well.

Alas, with a large family it is hard for everyone to attend, especially if they're scattered around the country or globe. A while back I helped another listener with a similar problem for a class reunion. Fortunately, your situation should be a little easier to handle.

I'll warn you, however, it won't be as simple as you'd like. You're going to be doing a lot of coordination. It is doable, however, if you get planning now.

You'll need to put everyone on some sort of call schedule. There are various services online you can use. The most popular let you get up to 10 people on a call at once. But the problem is that everyone is so darn small on the screen.

That's easy enough to fix. You'll also definitely want to record the calls. You can edit the videos later and make a "best of" to share with the entire family.

Let's start off with your biggest potential problem: the number of people. Out of the gate, you have at least 47 people you want to attend. Now, some will be there in person and others will be grouped together for Thanksgiving, which reduces the number of remote connections you'll need. Still, it will be a few.

Skype, which is your best choice for this plan, supports a maximum of 10 connections. If you can pare your 47 people down to 10 groups (9 remote connections + your grandparents), you're set.

You'll just need to make sure everyone has the latest version of Skype. You'll also need to have a Skype Premium account to host the group video chat. Fortunately, you can get a Premium Day Pass for just $5.

What if you have more than 10 groups that need to connect? Well, you could set up a second computer. With a Skype Premium account for each, you can host up to 18 remote connections. That should be more than enough for your purposes. You will have to create a separate Skype account for each computer, though.

Be aware you will need a fast, reliable Internet connection to handle all that video traffic. However, even with a fast connection, things will get a little sluggish. Expect the entire experience to be a tad chaotic.

You'll probably want to take charge of directing who can talk and when. Maybe let everyone say "Happy Anniversary" at once and then let each group give well-wishes individually. Don't let each person have a go or it will take forever.

Remember that if you do have two computers running, people on one won't be able to see or hear people on the other. So be sure to communicate what is going on to avoid confusion between groups. Hopefully, everyone will be accommodated with just one, since you're dealing with family groups, for the most part.

Make sure the webcam you use for your grandparents is high-definition. You want everyone to be able to see them clearly. Also, put them front and center in the view.

Sound is going to be an issue. I usually tell people to use a headset when video chatting to avoid problems like feedback and low microphone volume. You can learn more about that in this tip.

If you have groups of people, however, they'll need a microphone and speakers. Make sure everyone sets up the microphone well away from the computer speakers. You might also direct them to turn down their computer speakers when they're talking. If anyone talks individually, have them get right up to the microphone for the best clarity.

The same goes for your grandparents. Get the microphone right in front of them. You'll also want the speakers turned up high so they can hear what people are saying.

You might take charge of positioning the microphone and regulating the volume for them. Plus, you can cover the microphone when they aren't talking to reduce the chance of feedback.

All this is a lot to get right the day of the party. Trust me; I've been on holiday Skype calls where the first 10 minutes is spent troubleshooting a relative's audio and video. Multiply that by 10 or more and you'll have a lot of wasted time.

That's why I strongly recommend doing a test run earlier in the week. Get everyone to fire up his or her computers and connections at the same time (or as many participants as possible, for this test). This will help you get comfortable with the process of hosting a group video chat, and you'll ensure as much as possible that the hardware is working correctly.

Test the video and sound to see how you can get the best results. Also, it's a good way to make sure your Internet connection can handle that much traffic. It's a good test of your relatives' connections as well. It also will help the kids in the group have an experience with chat. They tend to get very excitable the first time, so this could help minimize the chaos on the day of the actual event.

If all else fails, you can resort to individual video chats. Set up a schedule in advance that lets everyone have a few minutes to congratulate your grandparents. It wouldn't be the big hurrah you hoped for, but I don't think your grandparents will mind.

Friday, September 16, 2011

A free substitute for Microsoft Office from Kim Komando


A free substitute for Microsoft Office


Microsoft Office is the gold standard for productivity software. It's used by everyone from students to major corporations. That popularity is definitely reflected in the price tag.

What if you can't afford Microsoft Office? Perhaps you just need something for a short-term project and can't justify the investment right now. Good news: There are several free alternatives to Office. Depending on your needs, some work just as well as Microsoft's productivity suite.

LibreOffice is an excellent alternative. It offers six programs, and you'll find most of them instantly familiar.

For example there's Writer, which is a Word clone. Then there's Calc, which is a spreadsheet like Excel. There's also Impress, a presentation program similar to PowerPoint.

Those are the options you're most likely to need. A drawing program, a database program and an equation program round out the offerings. All of these combined make for an excellent replacement to pricier suites.

LibreOffice is also compatible with the most popular document formats. It can read .DOC from Word and .XLS from Excel, for example. That only scrapes the surface of what it offers.

Cost: Free

Link: www.libreoffice.org

System: Windows XP, Vista, 7, Mac OS X

http://www.komando.com/newsletters/  Sign up for Kim's Free Newsletter. She shares some great information !!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Change your perspective and then take a nap !

Do you ever need something to help you change your perspective ?
I find that I need to check in with some of these coaches from time to
time -- they have some great articles on their blogs that might be
just what you are looking for.  If you find one that you like, then
save the web address as a favorite or sign up to get email updates.
You can always unsubscribe, if you need to -- or just delete the
most recent email and see what they have to say later.

Ann Vertel
Carrie Wilkerson (The Barefoot Executive)

Brooke Castillo    http://www.brookecastillo.com/
Brooke teaches you how to do Self-Coaching -
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
I'll add more to this post later -
And when you are ready for a break  ---
Do you sleep well when it is raining ?  You never have to wait for the rain to come -
just pull up this video -- 60 minutes of relaxing rain.  mmmmm....zzzzzzzzzzzzzz......


Oh, if you want this video to repeat continually, just type     repeat      after youtube in
the web address -- this web address would be
you can do that for any youtube video that you want to play continually.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Email management = Time Management / Email Charter

We're drowning in email. And the many hours we spend on it are generating ever more work for our friends and colleagues. (Here's why.) We can reverse this spiral only by mutual agreement. Hence this Charter…

10 Rules to Reverse the Email Spiral
1. Respect Recipients' Time
This is the fundamental rule. As the message sender, the onus is on YOU to minimize the time your email will take to process. Even if it means taking more time at your end before sending.

2. Short or Slow is not Rude
Let's mutually agree to cut each other some slack. Given the email load we're all facing, it's OK if replies take a while coming and if they don't give detailed responses to all your questions. No one wants to come over as brusque, so please don't take it personally. We just want our lives back!

3. Celebrate Clarity
Start with a subject line that clearly labels the topic, and maybe includes a status category [Info], [Action], [Time Sens] [Low Priority]. Use crisp, muddle-free sentences. If the email has to be longer than five sentences, make sure the first provides the basic reason for writing. Avoid strange fonts and colors.

4. Quash Open-Ended Questions
It is asking a lot to send someone an email with four long paragraphs of turgid text followed by "Thoughts?". Even well-intended-but-open questions like "How can I help?" may not be that helpful. Email generosity requires simplifying, easy-to-answer questions. "Can I help best by a) calling b) visiting or c) staying right out of it?!"

5. Slash Surplus cc's
cc's are like mating bunnies. For every recipient you add, you are dramatically multiplying total response time. Not to be done lightly! When there are multiple recipients, please don't default to 'Reply All'. Maybe you only need to cc a couple of people on the original thread. Or none.
6. Tighten the Thread
Some emails depend for their meaning on context. Which means it's usually right to include the thread being responded to. But it's rare that a thread should extend to more than 3 emails. Before sending, cut what's not relevant. Or consider making a phone call instead.

7. Attack Attachments
Don't use graphics files as logos or signatures that appear as attachments. Time is wasted trying to see if there's something to open. Even worse is sending text as an attachment when it could have been included in the body of the email.

8. Give these Gifts: EOM NNTR
If your email message can be expressed in half a dozen words, just put it in the subject line, followed by EOM (= End of Message). This saves the recipient having to actually open the message. Ending a note with "No need to respond" or NNTR, is a wonderful act of generosity. Many acronyms confuse as much as help, but these two are golden and deserve wide adoption.

9. Cut Contentless Responses
You don't need to reply to every email, especially not those that are themselves clear responses. An email saying "Thanks for your note. I'm in." does not need you to reply "Great." That just cost someone another 30 seconds.

10. Disconnect!
If we all agreed to spend less time doing email, we'd all get less email! Consider calendaring half-days at work where you can't go online. Or a commitment to email-free weekends. Or an 'auto-response' that references this charter. And don't forget to smell the roses.

The Problem ---
The Solution ---

Monday, August 8, 2011

Email was hacked / Sending out plea for money !


Yikes! Email was hacked!


Q: Someone hacked my dad's email account. They are sending messages to his email contacts posing as my father. The email says my father is stranded in Spain and needs $3,000 by Western Union to get home. Is there any way these scammers can be tracked down? The local sheriff's office says they don't go after cybercrime like this. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thank you for your help!
-Paul from Jacksonville, FL listens to my national radio show on WOKV 960 AM

A: I'm really sorry to hear what’s happened to your father. A cry for help from a friend or family member can make us react from emotion. That is exactly what the hacker is hoping.
This type of hacking is happening across many different email services. Whether you use Yahoo! Mail, Hotmail, Gmail or another service, you are vulnerable. Either your email account will be compromised or you'll get an email asking for help.

How do the scammers get into an email account? Scammers use specialized programs or hired people to guess passwords. Once they get your email password, they get to work. They send email to your contacts with sob stories that always end with a plea for money.

As you found out, not every state acts on Internet crimes. Many agencies create localized divisions that strictly handle cybercrime. It's also a question of jurisdiction. With many offenses occurring across state and national lines, it's a Federal offense. So, local law enforcement might have no jurisdiction.

In 2009, security software publisher McAfee conducted a survey with Chief Financial Officers worldwide. The global impact of cybercrime was estimated at a whopping one trillion dollars! This includes money scammed and money spent re-securing critical systems.

Now, for people like us recovery from a scam means work. We need to fight to re-establish ourselves online both financially and emotionally. If your email account has been hacked, immediate action is critical. A few things must happen to re-secure your email. Second, you should gather information to report the incident.

Your first priority is to re-gain control of your email account. This includes changing the alternate email address on your account. This "alternate" email address will be the one you used when setting up your account. Sign on to your email account. You will find this option in the Settings menu.

Any changes you make will generate an email to that alternate address. If the hacker changed it, they will receive notices alerting them. That is the first step of taking back control.

Next, you need to change your password to something no one could guess. I don't mean to get on my soapbox but this is the reason you never use the same password for all your online accounts. Once the hackers have access to one of your online accounts, they can access them all.

Don't use a word in the dictionary. Don't use your cat's name or your favorite color. And certainly don't use your date of birth or street address. The more random you make it the better. I've written a ton on passwords. Click here now to read easy ways to create and remember strong passwords here.

If you're unable to gain control of your account, your email provider can help. Each provider has a different method of manually resetting a password. Here are the sites you can visit for the more popular providers.

Hotmail has an account recovery page. To begin the password reset procedure, you can click here.

Gmail's account reset can be accessed from the sign-in page. Just click "Can't access your account?"

Yahoo has an Account Security Help page which can be found here.

AOL also has a link on their login page. Or, you can email compromised@abuse.aol.com. If you email them, they can monitor your account for further hacking.

Keep in mind that they have to follow specific security protocols. Hackers often use the password reset features to hack accounts. So, tech support may seem wary. They will do their best to make sure you're not a hacker yourself.

Finally, locate the security questions you selected when you created your account. They too can be found in the Settings area when you sign-in to your email online. Change these questions and corresponding answers. If the site allows it, create your own. Your mother's maiden name, your dog's name and your favorite team are easy picks for a hacker. Think of something that you would not talk about on Facebook or Twitter. Scammers know to look there for password clues. Create questions that only you would know answers.

Your account should now be secured. Before your friends begin sending money to this imposter, email them. Let anyone you've email-corresponded with know the situation. Check your sent items folder. The hacker might not have deleted the emails he sent.

Either way, let everyone know you're okay and not to send money. But now comes the gritty part gathering information against the hacker.

Hopefully, no one has lost money or got hurt in any way. Even still, it's a crime and should be reported. The Internet Crime Complaint Center is a federally backed cybercrime unit. You can file a complaint electronically by going to www.ic3.gov.

I've written much more on this subject. Here are a few links you might find interesting.

Reduce data consumption on your smart phone

Mobile browser reduces data consumption

Opera Mini offers a way to dramatically reduce how much data you use on your smart phone.

Big carriers like AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon all have data caps in place. Sprint is the only one of the bigs still out there doing unlimited data. Imagine how they'll get dumped on by data hogs!

So let's say you want to hang with AT&T, T-Mobile or Verizon because you like their networks. A tech writer for The New York Times recently ran a story that claims Opera Mini reduces data consumption by 90% so you can dramatically stretch your data plan with your carrier.
Opera Mini is a mobile browser available as a free download for Android, Apple, Blackberry, Windows and Symbian S60 smartphones. Because it only sips data, you may even be able to stay on a lower data plan when you're using it. Plus, in my experience using Opera Mini, it's really fast to boot!
So try downloading it. It will improve your web surfing and save you money on the data side.


Opera Mini

Using the Web from your phone is fantastic. Once you've lived with it, you can never go back. It's great to be able to find anything no matter where you are. And most smart phones should have a built-in browser.
Unfortunately, many mobile browsers aren't great. They work. But there is a better option. Opera Mini is a fast, polished mobile browser. It was built specifically for smart phones. And it makes surfing from your phone a breeze.

Cost: Free

iPhone Link: Opera Mini
Android Link: Opera Mini for Android
Blackberry Link: Opera Mini for Blackberry


Opera Web browser

Which Web browser is for you? I don't recommend using Internet Explorer. It just isn't as secure as other options. What does that leave? Firefox and Chrome are great choices. But there is another browser worth checking out.

This browser visits all the same sites as any other. But it's very fast. It can also be customized in appearance and functionality. It can boost surfing speed on slower Internet connections. You can navigate using built-in mouse gestures. Sounds pretty good, right?
This browser is called Opera. It's been around for a long time. It has sort of flown under the radar. But its interesting features may fit you perfectly. For example, Opera features built-in pop-up and ad blocking. And the address bar doubles as a search bar.

There are more features than I can list here. And there's the rub. Opera is a powerful browser. But it takes some getting used to. And some features are only useful to advanced users. If it sounds interesting, give it a shot. It might be the perfect browser for you.

Cost: Free
Link: www.opera.com

System: Windows XP, Vista and 7, Mac OS X

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Don't wait - get your papers in order for your family

Being Generous to the End

A while back a friend of mine lost her husband and son in an airplane crash. It was unbelievably devastating, but what made it even harder was being unprepared to deal with all the paperwork for her husband's estate and just the over all hassle of trying to find the electric bill or where the birth certificates were stored.
Whether you or your husband handles the paperwork, it is a kind and generous thing to make sure that your spouse knows where all the important papers are and how to handle the household expenses. No one expects to be widowed, but for some it will happen. Be kind. Be prepared.
In an effort to help gals with this, I've created some pages. Print them out, use them as check lists, fill in the info, file as appropriate. Hopefully you will never need this info, but if you do, it will save you or your sweetie a truckload of hassle.
What I have listed below is just a suggestion for organizing your paperwork. Please be aware that you have many options. You can file things on your computer, in files, in binders and more. Hopefully what I have here will help you see the different kinds of paperwork you may need to handle and help you gather what you need.
I would also recommend that you not run out and buy a lot of fancy containers, labels and what not. Start with basic office supplies and use whatever boxes and household items you have around the house. When you have tried a number of things and have found a system that works for you, then buy the pretty baskets and fancy organizers.
These papers have little day to day use, you just need to have them handy. Some of these are original papers (like birth certificates). Others are reference materials (like your auto insurance policy).
something to hang your file folders in (safe, cabinet, box, etc.)
hanging file folders w/tabs - expandable or box bottom are nice
manila folders
pen & paper
your pile of important papers
sticky notes
The "checklist" will give you an idea of what is important and the "how to" will help you set up a file system from which you can retrieve your papers when you need them.
These are the necessary day to day materials (like bills and bank statements). One person usually does the bill paying and general paperwork, so it's a good idea to share that information or create reference pages so that the non-bill-paying spouse can figure out what needs to be done.
The "checklist" will give you an idea of what papers you need. The "how to" will help you set up a work station. The "reference pages" will have overall information that you might need. The "household binder" is just one idea for gathering household information.
You will have a whole host of other kinds of papers, from correspondence to your kid's art work. These are not necessary to running your household, but they're important to you in some way. I would recommend setting these aside to deal with later as a separate organizational issue.
Yes, you and your husband need a will. Even if you have no children and not much in the way of worldly goods, having a simple will can save you a tremendous amount of hassle. Most states will automatically give everything to the surviving spouse, but a will makes that smooth and easy. If you have children, a will is a must. It is rare that both spouses die at the same time, but please be wise and make plans for your children.
U.S. Legal Forms (inexpensive wills that are state specific)
There are different schools of thought when it comes to insurance. I respect that people have different beliefs, but if you are in the market for an opinion, may I encourage you to look into this? Insurance money can make a difficult time much more bearable. It may also keep you from having to sell your house or scramble for a different job to make ends meet. You don't need more stress at such a time.
Four Must Have Insurance Policies by Dave Ramsey
When it comes to decisions, especially important decisions, I encourage you to act as slowly as you can. One common way of dealing with grief is to be busy. There are details to deal with, but take things as slowly as your sanity will allow. You won't be thinking well. Do only those things that have to be done and go to your wisest friends for advice when making any important decisions.

More great resources





This could be VITAL for all of us !!

Another point I would like to make is to have current medical information on you and in your vehicle. I read an article where a woman traveled a lot. She realized that, if she were in a bad car accident, the paramedics would have to spend lots of time finding her information at a time when speed would be critical. So she made a form to keep in her car and in her purse.

I did the same thing and did more than she did. I typed two pages on the computer. One page had the list of my contacts-daughter, son, and a local neighbor with name, address, phone #. The other page listed my meds and dosages; my blood type; my dr’s name, address, & phone #; my allergies; my name, address, & phone #. When I printed them out, I minimized them, put them back to back, and covered them with the plastic laminated pouches. I attached one to the left edge of my sun visor and put one in my purse. I update them when needed.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Movies Sent From i-phone / how to turn them

How to turn the movies right side up when you view them on your computer.

You’ll need to download QUICKTIME to your computer

1. Open Default Programs by clicking the Start button, and then clicking Default Programs.

2. Click Set your default programs

3. In the Programs list, click QUICKTIME , and then click Choose defaults for this program.

4. You can select the check boxes next to the file types that you want QUICKTIME to play by default.

SO, if you want QUICKTIME to play .mov files (which are the video files from the I-Phone) then put a check mark there.

While I was there, I also put a check mark beside .jpg  ---  it didn’t open the picture in the correct position, but I could click on “Image” at the top of the picture and click “rotate right” to see the picture straight up

I'm glad to finally get my daughter-in-law off the hook.  We kept complaining that the pictures and videos that she sent us from her i-phone were sideways.  Now we know that she was doing it right -- our computers ( and Windows Media, for me) were reading it wrong.

I am so excited to see my grandson without having to lay my head on my computer keyboard !!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

10 Things you should NOT keep in your wallet / purse


10 Things You Should Not Keep in Your Wallet/Purse

by Kathryn Tuggle
Thursday, July 28, 2011
What you keep in your wallet will determine how at risk you are for identity theft in the chance you lose it. Here are 10 items experts suggest keeping at home.
We all make sure we've got our keys, wallet and phone before we head out the door, but more often than not, we are carrying around things that are better left at home. Some items we carry on a daily basis can be virtually impossible to replace, and others may leave us at risk for identity theft in the event of loss. We checked in with the personal finance experts at LearnVest to find the top 10 things you shouldn't carry in your purse or wallet.
Social Security Card
"You may carry it around thinking you need a back-up source of ID, but these days you don't really need it," says Maria Lin, editor in chief at Learnvest. If your Social Security card gets in the wrong hands, someone could open a credit card, apply for a loan, or even buy a car with the information. It's nine digits, just memorize it.
Anybody 65 or older needs to carry their Medicare card for Insurance proof , this card has your SS # on it.  
Your Passport
If you're traveling internationally, of course you can't leave your passport at home, but you can leave it in the hotel safe. When you are abroad, make a photocopy of your passport to have in your wallet for identification along with your driver's license. "If you lose your passport or get mugged in a foreign country, it's such a horrible hassle," says Lin. "You have to go to the embassy, and it's a vacation nightmare." If you're traveling in the U.S., use your driver's license instead. "Your passport is such a primo document for your identity, if someone gets a hold of it, you can really put yourself at risk for identity theft," says Lin.
Passwords/Pass codes
Although most PIN numbers are only four digits long, some people still write them down so they don't forget. "If you store any type of ATM password or even a code for your home alarm in your wallet, you have basically gifted a thief with access to your life," says Lin. If you absolutely can't remember important pass codes, store them digitally on a password-protected phone, but never write them down and leave them in your wallet or purse.
A Non-Password Protected Phone
Today, many people have smart phones that allow them instant access to bank accounts, PayPal accounts, medical records, and more. Even if your phone only accesses e-mail, a thief could easily search for banking or ATM passwords or addresses, according to Lin. "Think about all the things you have digitally stored on your phone. You have to have it behind password protection. This way a thief can still erase your phone's memory and use it for themselves, but they won't have access to your data."
Your Checkbook
"As innocuous as it seems, your checkbook has your bank account number and routing number on it, your address, and possibly imprints of your signature," says Lin. Lin says that if you know you're going to need to write a check one day, peel off one check out of your book and take it with you. If you know you're going to need to write multiple checks in one day, go ahead and take your checkbook, but don't get into the habit of carrying it around with you all the time, Lin says. "You want to prevent someone's ability to just start writing out your blank checks and cashing them."
Too Many Credit Cards
"A lot of people put all their cards in their wallet and carry them with them at all times," says Lin. "But if your wallet gets lost or stolen, that means you're going to have to sit and cancel every single one, and wait a week without any credit cards before you receive a replacement." Only carry the one or two cards you use on a daily basis and a backup, and leave others at home. Also make sure you keep photocopies of the front and back of each card at home, Lin advises. The 1-800 number to call and report a lost or stolen card is very often on the back of your card -- which doesn't do you a lot of good once the card is no longer in your possession.
Too Much Cash
Lin offers the following rule of thumb when it comes to carrying cash: Bring only as much with you as you're willing to lose. "It's good to have a little cash on you at all times for emergencies, but you don't want to carry so much that you're going to feel a real hit if your wallet gets stolen." For people on a "cash diet," Lin recommends bringing only as much cash to cover the day's expenses.
Gift Cards/Certificates
"A lot of people carry these around thinking, 'I never know when I'm going to be passing this store,' but chances are, you're going to forget about it anyway, and if your wallet gets stolen, it's one of the first thing thieves are going to use," Lin says. Gift cards and gift certificates are just like cash -- they don't require ID for use. "Try to leave it at home and take it with you only when you are consciously going to shop at that store," Lin says. "Make it a special excursion; it's a treat to have free money to spend."
Jewelry or USB Devices
"It may sound silly, but if you're changing earrings or heading from a business meeting, it's very possible you may forget and toss these things in the zipper compartment of your wallet," says Lin. USB devices can be bad news in the hands of thieves if they contain confidential files. "It would be horrible to get your wallet stolen any day, but if you're also losing your grandmother's earrings or a presentation you've been working on for months, it's even worse!"
Sometimes receipts can have your credit card information on them, as well as your signature, which thieves could do a lot of damage with. Additionally, if you've just purchased a big-ticket item like a new computer or jewelry, you may need that receipt for warranty purposes. "If you're planning to use your receipts for expense purposes at work, those few hundred dollars of business receipts can just vanish and your employer might not be so understanding," says Lin. "Get in the habit of taking out your receipts every night instead of carting them around with you."

Friday, July 15, 2011

15 Key ways to generate sales through your LinkedIn account

This webcast is excellent !!! You'll want to share this with others -- great for job searching, too !!
This is a DO IT YOURSELF webcast OR you can hire Dave to do it for you !!


There is so much information that I could not make notes of everything that he says.
But these notes will help you as you watch the webcast and when you are ready to
edit your LinkedIn account.  You may not use all 15, but implementing 2 or 3 of these could
help you stand out from the crowd. 

http://lnkd.in/EyTY3w   Webcast

First – Exchange Pride for Value

1.    What is the value that you can give to them – take out your name and your company information.

2.    Regular updates

3.    Don’t put company website – what are the top 3 pages that you want them to go to.
Go into edit function and click on OTHER – 3 website headings – to 3 specific  – or to your blog, testamonials or special offer

4.    Get a twitter account

5.    In your summary – not previous jobs, etc.  What is the value that your target prospects can receive from doing business with you?  How you can help with the pain, the problems and the challenges that they are facing.
How your solution will help them eliminate the pain, problems and challenges


1.    Put in a slideshow application or google doc application – you can add a webcast or video –
after they go to your profile and header – they want to find out about the value that they will
receive by having a business relationship with you – video, powerpoint, voice over the pp –
up to 6 of them – or put one big flash player – establish yourself as an expert
what are the causes of pain, problems and challenges and what are the solutions that you can provide

2.    When you add the application, you’ll see that there is a button that will expand it and take up
the full screen – they are watching a TV commercial of your offering and thought knowledge

            Underneath – Boxnet – take all of the PDF’s that you want – whitepaper – sales sheets-case
            studies –testamonials -special promotions  - 500 word comment where they can put their
            mouse over the document  and click on the link and download it.


1.      Join the maximum of 50 groups on LinkedIN

2.      Don’t want to join groups with your vendors –others that sell the same product that you sell

3.      Find groups that have those decision makers –
The Business Development Group
Business Process Management
Chief marketing Officer group
Executive Net Group
C level decision makers
Marketing and PR innovators
Start up groups ? top 2 or 3 – over 200.000 are members of those groups
Study the groups
Want to find the best groups to join ? Go into the group function in the right hand corner –don’t type anything into the field box and click on the magnifying glass.   That will pull up all of the groups that are members of LinkedIn in descending order by the groups with the largest number of members first –find your 1st 10 or 12 of your groups by going from the largest groups –if you added up the number of  come from those - 2 or 3 key groups off of the 1st or 2nd page you’d have more target prospects in those 3 groups than you have in all of the other 47 groups that you have all combined. Do your research in groups.

Follow your target companies – button COMPANIES  and SEARCH COMPANIES go into search – Headquarter’s only, specific state or city, particular industry or market – particular size – whatever parameters you set it will then pull up and show every company that meets those criteria.  Go down that list and click follow on any that you want. Info you can get - I want to be notified every time that employees join, leave or are promoted within a company.  New job opportunities ? New products?  Expanding in some way, if they change their profile in any way or post any type of updates.  look to right Daily or weekly e-mail updates – greatest business intelligence that you can imagine

Start posting “thought knowledge” --  valuable information into your updates –your followers see you as a thought leader - branding in their mind – something unique about you and your knowledge in their industries and markets -YOU might be a valuable resource to them and business alliance to form with  -- that you could help them increase their sales, profit, or customer  growth performance
HOOT SUITE  Show you all of your twitter feeds, facebook, Linked In – combined feeds ?   different channels – you never have to log in or out of those accounts –
can click send e-mail to any of your prospects
Upcoming posts  -Scheduled outgoing post -- You can go ahead and paste the subject and URL and click any date and time that you want this update to go to any of one of your social media sites including LinkedIn

Where do I get this “thought knowledge”? – set up RSS feed – you don’t have to be the genius – just the source of genius –go out and set up an RSS feed system –
that every article that has to do with your industry is automatically captured  - look at all of those and see which would be most valuable  to your target prospects.
How do you get new followers ?  Belong to those 50 groups – source that info on a daily basis and source those groups – where would this news feed would be of interest to which groups.  click on the link of that group and paste it in as a discussion topic – now goes to thousands of members of your groups –every time they see a meaningful piece of information they’ll see your image on it.  Little orange number pops up – that’s the number of people who have started reading your updates and they ask if they can join your network so that anytime you post information they will see your update – never miss anything that you post
Start seeing the people following you
Take all of those updates and valuable information and generate a newsletter
Take 5 or 6 hot topics that past week
Underneath those topics, tell how your company provides the solution, the value you provide those companies that are facing the pain, problems, and challenges – there are companies all over that are having those problems – you are knowledable
Live link to your newsletter
Target prospects who start clicking on links and clicking on PDF’s and downloading documents – now you know that they have a serious interest – now you are getting branding
Find someone showing an interest – people search – find – I’d like for you to join my professional network –if you tie it to something meaningful – an action that they took on thought leadership that you sent them, 75 % will join you – click on groups and it will tell you which group that both of you belong to.
If you have the thought knowledge then you can start a group. Not only are they following your network, they are also joining your group.  Discussions of pain, problems, and challenges. 
Twelve    BESTS TIPS
Revenue generating machine – Nextslide – free – webcasting   -- (couldn’t follow to take all of the notes)
Submitting webcast to groups
As your viewers watch, you’ll get first and last name and e-mail address of every person –how long they watched
Paste in person’s name – send invitation to connect on LinkedIn
It’s a lot of work – it can take a lot of time and resources.
If you don’t know how to put all of this into place , we can do it for you. 
Within 3 days we’ll do it  -- and set up your own webcasting channel
$795  - we’ll do all of the work for you.  It takes 30 minutes of your time
to fill out a project planner – all you have to do is show up for your webcast.



How To Develop A World Class Social Media System In Less Than 1 Week
Our Outbound Excellence Automated "Turn-Key" Social Media System has just been Upgraded this week to include a Programmed RSS Feed to Automatically Capture Business Intelligence to submit as your Social Media Updates & one of the Hottest Social Media Lead Generation Sites on the market - BlogTalk Radio! Thousands of NEW! untapped Social Media Sales Leads. FREE!

Outbound Excellence - Social Media Sales Growth System - Offering
  • Set-Up / Expand: Blog, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube
  • Integrate Social Media System Into A Common Interface: HootSuite
  • Program Automated Incoming & Outgoing Updates
  • Market Offering Using Social Media System
  • Develop a Webcast / Video To Promote Offering
  • Market Webcast via Integrated Social Media Marketing Engine
  • Create an HTML eMail - Webcast Invitation & Offering Introduction
  • Add Real-Time Tracking & Reporting Links to the eMail
  • Source 10k Target Contacts for eMail Campaign
  • Send the eMail to Target Contacts & Generate Tracking Reports
  • Set-Up RSS Feeds To Automate Business Intelligence & Obtain Sales Leads
  • Set-Up a Blog Talk Radio Channel w/Integrated Social Media Marketing
Bundled System as Listed Above $795

David Kalstrom
Outbound Excellence, Inc.

           http://lnkd.in/EyTY3w    Webcast


Thursday, July 14, 2011

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