This webcast is excellent !!! You'll want to share this with others -- great for job searching, too !!
This is a DO IT YOURSELF webcast OR you can hire Dave to do it for you !!
There is so much information that I could not make notes of everything that he says.
But these notes will help you as you watch the webcast and when you are ready to
edit your LinkedIn account. You may not use all 15, but implementing 2 or 3 of these could
help you stand out from the crowd. Webcast
First – Exchange Pride for Value
1. What is the value that you can give to them – take out your name and your company information.
2. Regular updates
3. Don’t put company website – what are the top 3 pages that you want them to go to.
Go into edit function and click on OTHER – 3 website headings – to 3 specific – or to your blog, testamonials or special offer
4. Get a twitter account
5. In your summary – not previous jobs, etc. What is the value that your target prospects can receive from doing business with you? How you can help with the pain, the problems and the challenges that they are facing.
How your solution will help them eliminate the pain, problems and challenges
1. Put in a slideshow application or google doc application – you can add a webcast or video –
after they go to your profile and header – they want to find out about the value that they will
receive by having a business relationship with you – video, powerpoint, voice over the pp –
up to 6 of them – or put one big flash player – establish yourself as an expert
what are the causes of pain, problems and challenges and what are the solutions that you can provide
2. When you add the application, you’ll see that there is a button that will expand it and take up
the full screen – they are watching a TV commercial of your offering and thought knowledge
Underneath – Boxnet – take all of the PDF’s that you want – whitepaper – sales sheets-case
studies –testamonials -special promotions - 500 word comment where they can put their
mouse over the document and click on the link and download it.
1. Join the maximum of 50 groups on LinkedIN
2. Don’t want to join groups with your vendors –others that sell the same product that you sell
3. Find groups that have those decision makers –
The Business Development Group
Business Process Management
Chief marketing Officer group
Executive Net Group
C level decision makers
Marketing and PR innovators
Start up groups ? top 2 or 3 – over 200.000 are members of those groups
Study the groups
Want to find the best groups to join ? Go into the group function in the right hand corner –don’t type anything into the field box and click on the magnifying glass. That will pull up all of the groups that are members of LinkedIn in descending order by the groups with the largest number of members first –find your 1st 10 or 12 of your groups by going from the largest groups –if you added up the number of come from those - 2 or 3 key groups off of the 1st or 2nd page you’d have more target prospects in those 3 groups than you have in all of the other 47 groups that you have all combined. Do your research in groups.
Follow your target companies – button COMPANIES and SEARCH COMPANIES go into search – Headquarter’s only, specific state or city, particular industry or market – particular size – whatever parameters you set it will then pull up and show every company that meets those criteria. Go down that list and click follow on any that you want. Info you can get - I want to be notified every time that employees join, leave or are promoted within a company. New job opportunities ? New products? Expanding in some way, if they change their profile in any way or post any type of updates. look to right Daily or weekly e-mail updates – greatest business intelligence that you can imagine
Start posting “thought knowledge” -- valuable information into your updates –your followers see you as a thought leader - branding in their mind – something unique about you and your knowledge in their industries and markets -YOU might be a valuable resource to them and business alliance to form with -- that you could help them increase their sales, profit, or customer growth performance
HOOT SUITE Show you all of your twitter feeds, facebook, Linked In – combined feeds ? different channels – you never have to log in or out of those accounts –
can click send e-mail to any of your prospects
Upcoming posts -Scheduled outgoing post -- You can go ahead and paste the subject and URL and click any date and time that you want this update to go to any of one of your social media sites including LinkedIn
Where do I get this “thought knowledge”? – set up RSS feed – you don’t have to be the genius – just the source of genius –go out and set up an RSS feed system –
that every article that has to do with your industry is automatically captured - look at all of those and see which would be most valuable to your target prospects.
How do you get new followers ? Belong to those 50 groups – source that info on a daily basis and source those groups – where would this news feed would be of interest to which groups. click on the link of that group and paste it in as a discussion topic – now goes to thousands of members of your groups –every time they see a meaningful piece of information they’ll see your image on it. Little orange number pops up – that’s the number of people who have started reading your updates and they ask if they can join your network so that anytime you post information they will see your update – never miss anything that you post
Start seeing the people following you
Take all of those updates and valuable information and generate a newsletter
Take 5 or 6 hot topics that past week
Underneath those topics, tell how your company provides the solution, the value you provide those companies that are facing the pain, problems, and challenges – there are companies all over that are having those problems – you are knowledable
Live link to your newsletter
Target prospects who start clicking on links and clicking on PDF’s and downloading documents – now you know that they have a serious interest – now you are getting branding
Find someone showing an interest – people search – find – I’d like for you to join my professional network –if you tie it to something meaningful – an action that they took on thought leadership that you sent them, 75 % will join you – click on groups and it will tell you which group that both of you belong to.
If you have the thought knowledge then you can start a group. Not only are they following your network, they are also joining your group. Discussions of pain, problems, and challenges.
Revenue generating machine – Nextslide – free – webcasting -- (couldn’t follow to take all of the notes)
Submitting webcast to groups
As your viewers watch, you’ll get first and last name and e-mail address of every person –how long they watched
Paste in person’s name – send invitation to connect on LinkedIn
It’s a lot of work – it can take a lot of time and resources.
If you don’t know how to put all of this into place , we can do it for you.
Within 3 days we’ll do it -- and set up your own webcasting channel
$795 - we’ll do all of the work for you. It takes 30 minutes of your time
to fill out a project planner – all you have to do is show up for your webcast.
How To Develop A World Class Social Media System In Less Than 1 Week |
Our Outbound Excellence Automated "Turn-Key" Social Media System has just been Upgraded this week to include a Programmed RSS Feed to Automatically Capture Business Intelligence to submit as your Social Media Updates & one of the Hottest Social Media Lead Generation Sites on the market - BlogTalk Radio! Thousands of NEW! untapped Social Media Sales Leads. FREE!
Outbound Excellence - Social Media Sales Growth System - Offering - Set-Up / Expand: Blog, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube
- Integrate Social Media System Into A Common Interface: HootSuite
- Program Automated Incoming & Outgoing Updates
- Market Offering Using Social Media System
- Develop a Webcast / Video To Promote Offering
- Market Webcast via Integrated Social Media Marketing Engine
- Create an HTML eMail - Webcast Invitation & Offering Introduction
- Add Real-Time Tracking & Reporting Links to the eMail
- Source 10k Target Contacts for eMail Campaign
- Send the eMail to Target Contacts & Generate Tracking Reports
- Set-Up RSS Feeds To Automate Business Intelligence & Obtain Sales Leads
- Set-Up a Blog Talk Radio Channel w/Integrated Social Media Marketing
Bundled System as Listed Above $795
David Kalstrom
Outbound Excellence, Inc.
877-337-2674 |